Thanks for waiting for the blog posts while we were out of cell coverage.
We rode out of our campsite at Poet Creek Campground and finished the last 20 miles of dirt road in Magruder Crossing. I talked with one hunter on an ATV. Josiah is from Elk City and his parents own the general store there.
When we finally got to the end of Magruder Corridor, the paved road felt like glass after the last 90 miles in the dirt. We rode 16 miles on easy roads that followed a nice creek and into the tiny town of Elk City. Most of the visitors seem to be bikers and hunters.
Ingrid and Janet at Reno Club (bar) served us our double cheeseburgers and we stayed at the only hotel in town..$65 for 2 beds. Yes, it was nice.

Great video and photos as usual. I’m enjoying the trip vicariously from NJ. Also, I’ll let someone else comment on the Reno Club sign. Hopefully, you guys don’t get between two Elk during the rut!!
I love the video with the tired voice. So good.