Sweet Home Alabama

We did our best to get our money’s worth at the Red Roof Inn buffet.

We stopped at the Pharr Mounds indian site. It dawned on me…these were probably the oldest man made things I have ever seen in North America (2,000 years old).

After the morning cool wore off, we got a nap attack (photo) at one of the many rest stops.

The lure of a grocery store in Tishomingo drew us into this working town. Photo of sign below. Bill and Bob couldn’t resist the $2 pound of cooked pork tenderloin as their “first lunch”.

After much analysis of our togetherness options, we decided to split up so the western ReadyRiders could cover the miles to stay on schedule.

We took a quick cool-off dip in the lake to give us some energy to proceed to our campsite in Colbert Ferry.

A fit featherweight fellow named Rob rode in after his 100 mile day. We shared a drink and 3 cans of delicious gourmet Hormel chili with sweaty cheese and Frito garnish. We sang along to a few Eagles songs before sawing some logs.

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