Our Oregon Trail

We got a good vibe in Enterprise, Oregon. Kristy at the Red Rooster restaurant served us the best breakfast yet. She was helping her mom out with her restaurant and told us she studied interior design – you can see it in the restaurant decor. They even had housemade bread and jam. Yum!

Wallowa was a good coffee stop at mile 20. As we pulled up, an old geezer (his description) was wittling (sp). Brent couldn’t resist buying one of his earlier creations, a slingshot.

We rode on to Minam for a lunch stop and met Tyler who was running custom rail cycles (see photo) very clever use of 1970’s Tuff Wheels.

After a long hill climb Bob and I stopped for an ice cream sandwich in Elgin. A local, Dave, gave us route tips and a few good stories. He was a bouncer in the military and I learned what a “squid” is. He said when a bunch of “jarheads” see a “squid”, they pick on them. He said “squid” was a navy sailor. I asked him if he lost his tooth in a fight…”nope” he said.

When we asked Jan, the storekeeper, “Do you know Dave with the missing tooth?” She said “Honey, you just described half the men in this town!”. Ha ha – Bob and I laughed a lot at that one.

We finished off the ride at 75 miles in Hilgard Junction campground. Signs here say it was a popular camping spot during the days of the Oregon Trail around 1850.

Snowcapped mountains known as Oregon Alps
Our new favorite breakfast restaurant
More wide open spaces
Interesting rail Bikes

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