
For us it was a long ride of 72 miles. We saw our first alligator (unfortunately dead) as we rode over the spillway.

I bought a new saddle to replace my broken one so now I am a member of the Brooks religion.

Much to our dismay, our planned lunch restaurant was closed today so we pooled our resources and had snacks for lunch.

We saw a cool Cypress swamp that looked like dinosaurs should be there.

As the last miles got harder Steve and I invented a game where we took turns telling stories of days that were way harder than this.

Bob did his good deed for the day by saving a turtle that was crossing the road.

Finally upon arrival, we tried our hand at Mexican food which ended in a friendly debate about the exact definition of a chile relleno.

One Reply to “Flatlanders”

  1. the Trace signs are very “poetic”, your photos speak volumes and your stories are super fun! Sounds like you are having a grand time! XOX Jeanise

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