Two friends (Bob and Brent) and I are embarking on a 3-week ride from Glacier National Park to Eugene, Oregon. I’ll write my usual daily blog as we share our adventure. We start Tuesday, September 7th on our train ride from Seattle to East Glacier. You can even see our progress on our route on this nifty map using this link It uses my Garmin satellite device which updates every ~10 minutes. If you haven’t already, please go to our blog website and click the “follow” button (usually in lower right corner of the screen). Tip: If you got this message in your email, then you are already signed up.
Let the adventure begin!
Bon voyage! Looking forward to hearing about your adventures.
Have a great trip! Can’t wait to see photos.
You are both out of your effing minds. I love it.
Way to go Mike! I just watched you climb up and over Logan Pass.