Day 7/8: sun/rain

Day 7 was lovely. We woke up slowly, rode at a leisurely pace, and took frequent stops around town . Our route took us 37 miles from Ocean View Campground, down along the coastal Lachside trail to University of Victoria, and into downtown Victoria at the South of the Peninsula. We rode through the famous Beacon Hill Park, Fisherman’s Wharf, past the Parliament Buildings and then onto a busy freeway of bicycles called the Galloping Goose trail, which led us almost directly to our destination, Goldstream Provincial Park. It’s a beautiful old growth temperate rain-forest. We got in at 8 pm, stoked a warm fire and shared a local Sweet Leaf IPA and an English Nut Brown Ale. We slept like two provincially protected tree trunks (that fell of their own accord and not due to logging).

Day 8 is rainy. Really rainy. It’s days like this that you really appreciate a good plastic bag, says Steve. It’s days like this that you can really fall in love with a good cup of coffee, says Jackie. We’re stationed in a cafe, 4 miles from camp where we are charging up electronics, caffeinating, and researching. We plan to hike in Goldstream this afternoon and camp here one more night, before heading Northwest towards Cowichan Valley by bike and ferry tomorrow.

Update: the waiter just gave us another cup of coffee on the house and Jackie says it’s probably because Steve has such a winning smile. Steve chuckles.

Another thought from Steve: To quote honorary member of the Ready Riders, Bellingham Bob, we are three plastic bags short of being homeless and it feels great. Jackie wonders about the sensitivity of that statement, but appreciates the vibe, and permits its publication.

Victoria waterfront at Fisherman’s Wharf.

Parliament Building of Victoria (we think).

Peacocks everywhere!! At Beacon Hill Park.

Street art in China Town of Victoria

Sir Peacock meet Daisy. Daisy meet Sir Peacock. 

5 Replies to “Day 7/8: sun/rain”

    1. Thanks Linda! We think we’ll be headed to Seattle early next week! We’ll send you a text when we cross to Washington

  1. Its kind of wet up here in the North Cascsdes too. Message me when you get to Washington. I’ll come down off the mountain and bring you some fresh plastic bags. Would like to see your smiling faces.
    Bellingham Bob (currently Mazama Bob)
    360 961 4148

    1. We will! We’ll be Island hopping for a a few days and then we’ll land in mainland Washington early next week. Ready Riders Reunite!!

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