Day 34: Muddy with a chance of burrito

When I told Steve we need to ride 21 miles into the town of Audubon to reach breakfast, he cringed slightly and said “that’ll be a tough pull”. It indeed was, mostly because some the gravel roads were wet and the mud slowed our roll. My legs were so muddy that I hosed off at the coffee shop when we arrived. A breakfast burrito, cinnamon roll and cappuccino was all I needed to rejuvenate my body.

Kate, the owner, noticed Steve’s Jersey said “Solvang Century” and said “I grew up in Santa Ynez”. Small world! When I asked how she ended up in Iowa she explained it was her husband’s job with AMVC. The more she got involved in her town, the more she liked it. She told us the story of how she bought the building and fixed it up and rents out the upstairs. She suggested we go see Albert, the world’s largest bull and we did. You can’t do a road trip and not see some kitschy roadside attraction.

A mile later on the T-Bone Trail, we were flagged down by a couple that heard about us at the cafe. They call themselves “Gabbie and Crabby” and we had a good roadside chat.

We’re being silly. Can you guess the movie reference?

Sunnyside campground in the town of Atlantic, was our chosen destination and we rode to Rancho Grande restaurant to enjoy some tacos.

Lots of water here
Kate and her Bakery on Broadway
Stain glass window of Audubon
Nice trail with no mud. Just berries
Albert, the worlds largest bull
Andy and Gene (aka crabby and Gabby)
Optional reading
Patriotic sign
Road to breakfast
Funny street name

Summary: we rode 52 miles from Whiterock campground to Sunnyside campground in Atlantic on Fig ave (gravel), 140th street, Chestnut Road, 190th Street, T-bone trail, and city streets in Atlantic.

5 Replies to “Day 34: Muddy with a chance of burrito”

    1. Albert was named for Albert Kruse, a past president of a local bank, who was responsible for launching an annual local beef promotion named Operation T-Bone — which should not be confused with Operation Pork Chop, a local pork industry drive that lacked the vision to build a giant, talking pig to promote itself

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