We woke with the sun to the sound of hundreds of bike cleats “click clacking” on the pavement.
As you can see in the photo, we rode thru the tiny rural town of Winlock with it’s famous “worlds largest egg”. It was fun when the police closed the whole southbound lane for us on the bridge over the Columbia river.
The saddle soreness and other aches kicked in about midway but we felt proud to finally cross the bridge in Portland. The crowds at the finish line were stacked 2-3 deep for 2 blocks cheering and high-fiving to congratulate our arrival. We had a couple of fat tire beers to celebrate while we listened to the live music.
This is the first time the Ready Riders (Steve & I ) have ridden in back-to-back centuries (actual total of 204 miles).

I bet those Fat Tire beers tasted ESPECIALLY good after 204 miles. . . . WOW!
Wow! Way to go guys. Dad, I think we should invest in a 4 person bike for me, you, Rachel and Mike!! (but not actually)
We order it at Portland River City Bicycles. Not Really.