Wet Wednesday. – rain, flats, & spokes, oh my

After sleeping in ’til 6am, we went to L’il Sambo’s for breakfast hoping the rain would stop. No such luck. We packed our wet tents and headed south. As the photos show, the coastline (Boiler Bay shown) is beautiful as you would imagine. Steve got his third flat on a staple, and I broke another spoke. Luckily we were near the award winning Newport bike shop where they were able to help fix my spoke and they have free washer & drier. Elliot, the owner, also recommended the Rogue brewery which was fun & tasty. We met several interesting travelers at his shop, including a family of 5 on tandems (electric assisted, and with a trailer). We also met a 72 yr old that climbs 5,000 ft/day some days and rode cross USA when he was 62! There’s hope for Steve and I. Yes, I know we only went 32 miles today… But we had rain and repairs as an excuse/ reason ; )


Just like I imagined it would look
Following the route
Cool looking bridges
I think this is Rogue River Bridge
Fun signs at Rogue River Brewery
So many beers to choose from

3 Replies to “Wet Wednesday. – rain, flats, & spokes, oh my”

  1. Rogue…mmmm.

    My recommendation: Pray for rain and drink more at Rogue! Try the chipotle ale…so good.

    A couple other breweries to look out for if they’re on the way: Anderson Valley Brewing in Boonville (on CA-128…try to Summer Solstice Cerveza Crema) and Bear Republic on Healdsburg Ave in, yep you guessed it, Healdsburg.

    Ride safe fellas!

  2. So do you know when and where you are stopping each day or are you winging it with the recommendations of the new friends you meet along the way? Thank goodness for spokes and spares!

    1. We wing it. Factors that affect are how much energy we have and how many breakdowns we have. Luckily there seems to be plenty of camp-able state parks and with bike campers you don’t need reservations and there always seems to be space. The fee is $6 per person and the hot showers are free.

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