Start of new ride – The Erie Canal

It’s been awhile – but we’re finally going bike camping again. This time it’s going to be me, Steve Botts, Jeff B., and Bill C.  We’re biking on the Erie Canal from Buffalo, New York to Albany, New York  starting on Saturday August 27th. Don’t worry – we’ll have plenty of bug repellent and our swimsuits to stay comfortable.

I hope you’ll follow this blog as we share our daily adventures along the way.

Relative to our other rides, this one will be easy since it’s very flat because it’s along the a waterway with only ~500 ft of elevation change over ~360 miles.

It’s almost all gravel path so there’s no real car traffic! It’s the same path that the donkeys used to pull the barges back in 1825. Cue the “ass” jokes.

This place is full of history and even has its own song. Bruce “the Boss” Springsteen sings it here:

I’m traveling even lighter than usual; partly because there are lots of towns along the way and it’ll be hot. I’m counting on taking dips to cool off and keep clean(ish). I’m taking a new folding keyboard for my iPhone on account of my sausage fingers make my typing SLOW.

We’ll also have the nifty “SPOT messenger” satellite tracker so you can literally see where we are along the way. ( link )

Beware – I’ll feed you history and fun facts along the way…because that’s my “way”.

10 Replies to “Start of new ride – The Erie Canal”

  1. Yay! I was just saying to STEVE last week that I hadn’t heard about your trip this year. I’m looking forward to hearing about your travels.

  2. Riding rapidly Ready Riders rule the road. I haven’t seen much of you guys on Strava this year. Ive been grinding along at my usual pace hope to have my own adventure late in September or early October ride safe have fun

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