Day 3: Our Simple Sunday

Wayne from West Virginia suggested Desert Rose cafe for breakfast in Williamsport. Unfortunately it was closed so we went down the street to Lotus Moon Cafe (groovy name we think). As we rode out of town the church bells played ā€œLet Freedom Ringā€.

Down the C&O a bit was the town of Hancock. Becky at the Blue Goose Market didnā€™t sell lunch (it was mostly gifts of jams, jellies, and juices) but she recommended the deli in the Exxon station down the road. It was a hearty sandwich for sure.

We chose the campground at ā€œFifteen mile creekā€ for the night. Two brothers named Sam and Ian were fishing in the Potomac near where we were swimming. 14 year old Sam was quite chatty and mentioned his dishwashing job at a nearby restaurant. This reminded me of one of my first jobs as a dishwasher when I sprayed the owner while I was horsing around with my coworkers.

We rode 52 miles from Opequan Junction to 15 mile creek.

I added add these photos later because the internet here was slow/flaky.

Bridge into Williamsport
Lotus Moon Cafe
Who knew?
We saw a few of these dams
Lounging at 15 mile creek campsite
My new mosquito head net testing

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