I saw my first apple farm today but then I saw more desert looking landscape so we are probably on the cusp of dry eastern Washington and wetter/greener west Washington.
We met two other cyclists, Bill and Lee riding from Forks, Washington to Wallace, Idaho (we stayed there a few days ago). They gave us tips on what is ahead for us and vice-versa.
We continued on towards the Columbia River, a bit of a milestone for us. They recently finished the pedestrian/cycle bridge that used to be a railroad bridge.
I had my first scary dog chase in the tiny town of Beverly. Luckily I had enough speed to outrun the pit bull. I think I tired him out for Steve who was right behind me.
We chose the Wanapum State Park for our campground which is on the banks of a dammed section of the Columbia river called Wanapum lake. The sign said it was built in 1963.
We have a fair bit of climbing tomorrow up to Ellensburg.

Do Colin and Shade know you will be resting at their place for a week to recover?????
Ha ha. I can use their giant air mattress
Those are some beautiful photos. Especially the sunset on Wanapum lake.