Day 81: Crossing the Columbia River

I saw my first apple farm today but then I saw more desert looking landscape so we are probably on the cusp of dry eastern Washington and wetter/greener west Washington.

We met two other cyclists, Bill and Lee riding from Forks, Washington to Wallace, Idaho (we stayed there a few days ago). They gave us tips on what is ahead for us and vice-versa.

We continued on towards the Columbia River, a bit of a milestone for us. They recently finished the pedestrian/cycle bridge that used to be a railroad bridge.

I had my first scary dog chase in the tiny town of Beverly. Luckily I had enough speed to outrun the pit bull. I think I tired him out for Steve who was right behind me.

We chose the Wanapum State Park for our campground which is on the banks of a dammed section of the Columbia river called Wanapum lake. The sign said it was built in 1963.

We have a fair bit of climbing tomorrow up to Ellensburg.

First apple farm I’ve seen
Railroad Mile marker showing we are 2022 miles from Chicago
Example terrain
Lots of sagebrush
Dusty but neat landscape
Newish bridge over the Columbia River
Sunset on Lake Wanapum

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