Day 58: Rest day in Cody

We skipped our normal first breakfast of oatmeal at camp and went directly to Our Place restaurant for breakfast. We hopped on an old school bus and went to the “put in” for our rafting trip down the Shoshone River. We shared the raft with a family of 5 from Minnesota. Jenna, our guide, was super fun and entertaining. It was her first season of guiding but you wouldn’t know it by her confidence or skill. She came here from Green Bay Wisconsin. Admittedly, I only have a small sample, but it seems like lots of people here are transplants.

As my last touristy activity I chose the Trail Town museum which takes you back to a time of the old west.

Tomorrow we are leaving Cody to continue on to rendezvous with Brent near Yellowstone Lake.

This four legged jay walker succeeded in crossing Main Street
Jenna was our rafting guide down Shoshone River (aka Stinking River)
Legendary bison hunter
Old Trail Town museum
You can’t make this story up…or can you?
Operation Brent rendezvous is proceeding as planned

Summary: rest day in Cody.

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