Day 16: The Wright Stuff

Lynne served us a good breakfast at Debbie’s Restaurant. We rode over to the Air Force Museum at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. This place is huge so we only got a taste of it. Hundreds of airplanes and rockets too.

I was even more impressed with the Wright Brothers than ever before, even their shop mechanic was amazing. Charlie Taylor built an engine for their first plane in 6 weeks. When we went to see one of their bike shops, they said they had a print shop upstairs. It was neat to see it in its original location. I had seen one in 1975 on our motor home trip at Dearborn Village. We also walked thru 4 different Air Force One presidential planes.

We rode thru downtown Dayton and the river front before leaving town to the west. We got some BBQ lunch on the west side.

We rode thru our second fountain in Lewisburg before a policeman kicked us out. We ended our ride at Archway campground in New Paris, Ohio. Tomorrow we ride into Indiana.

We rode 46 miles from Eastwood park in Dayton to New Paris on some trails, farm roads and highway 40.

The Wright Brothers bike shop was a treat
An original bike made by the Wright Brothers
Bikes were expensive back then
F-14 fighter jet
Riding thru another fountain in downtown Dayton
A dog used in the Berlin airlift
On Air Force 1 – For my friend Vic who repaired IBM Selectrics
The sharp tip of the SR-71 engine spike
FDR’s conference room on Air Force 1
Downtown Dayton

2 Replies to “Day 16: The Wright Stuff”

  1. Butch: Well, the way I figure it, we can either fight or give. If we give, we go to jail.
    Sundance: I’ve been there already.
    Butch: We could fight – they’ll stay right where they are and starve us out. Or go for position, shoot us. Might even get a rock slide started, get us that way. What else can they do?
    Sundance: They could surrender to us, but I wouldn’t count on that.

    Love your riding through the fountains. Reminded me of the time the Hey Mom . . . kids got kicked out of a fountain in DC before heading west. Carpe Diem, Butch & Sundance!

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