After hearing two recommendations for biscuits & gravy at M&M cafe, we gave it a try. It’s still an acquired taste for me.
Some locals showed up on the bike trail for their rides including a fellow named “Speedy“ who proudly showed off his new Italian road bike and said he rode an average of 14,000 miles a year for the last 7 years (38 miles each day)! The most I have ever done is 6,000 miles.
Richard, the camper we met last night told us his plans to ride to Los Angeles. Before coming to the USA he rode from Northern Scotland to London. Impressive.
On the way to Xenia, we met a group from the Dayton bike club and rode with them into Xenia. Fun Fact: Xenia is Greek for “hospitality”.
After asking 3 people if/where they allow camping in Eastwood park, we finally found it. It’s a single spot and we had to call in and pay $10.
This being a short riding day, we went to a local watering hole and met some real characters. Tomorrow we plan to visit the Air Force museum at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.
We rode 45 miles from London to Dayton on the Ohio to Erie trail.

You’re making great progress Mike. Really enjoying you daily posts. I just completed 9 days in the Colorado Rockies and heading home today.