Day 10: The Kindness of Strangers

I think the saying goes ā€œa stranger is just a friend I havenā€™t met yet.ā€œ

We left Hopedale in the light rain and sat under a restaurant awning for about an hour of rain before riding into Jewett to get our ā€œsecond breakfastā€. The cafe has some interesting historical photos and one showed that they built streetcars 1894-1904 for cities like San Francisco. Cool!

The Conotton Trail was short but sweet going to Bowerstown. In the late afternoon we rode into Somerdale. I was waiting in a church parking lot and heard ā€œwhere you headed to?ā€. ā€œSeattleā€, I said. We got to talking about our trip and they generously offered to let us sleep at their farm. We jumped at the chance since we didnā€™t have a plan yet.

Dick and Linda were generous and fun to talk with. We decided to sleep in their barn and use their outdoor shower. It was brisk and refreshing. They loaned us their golf cart and we even did a lap around the farm and saw several deer and some baby raccoons.

Meeting people like this is amazing and makes you believe in fate. Weā€™ll try to pay it forward soon. Thanks Dick and Linda for your hospitality and great conversation.

We rode 50 miles from Hopedale to Bolivar In Ohio along Conotton trail, country roads and a portion of Ohio and Erie Canal trail.

Jewett made streetcars
I love 1950s Chevy pickups
Ohio and Erie Canal trail
I couldnā€™t resist
Dick and Lindaā€™s beautiful farm
Baby raccoons
The barn kept the rain off our stuff. Built in 1890s
A lap around the farm
View from their barn

11 Replies to “Day 10: The Kindness of Strangers”

  1. Dear Ready Riders Mike and Steve
    Thanks so much for the fathers day cards, what a nice surprise! Hope you continue to enjoy interesting days for the rest of your trip.Have fun & BE CAREFUL. Cheers “Dad”

  2. Mike and Steve was a joy to get to know, prayers for their safe travels. The town where the church is at is called Somerdale.
    Linda & Dick

  3. Dear Rough & Ready Riders Mike & Steve Many thanks for the fathers day cards, what a nice surprise! Hope you continue to find interesting times on the rest of your trip, have fun & be careful Cheers “Dad”

  4. ā€œMy religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.ā€
    ? Dalai Lama XIV I’m loving going to church with you guys on your blog every morning. Thanks for taking the time to share. I know it takes time.

  5. You are close to my territory – Youngstown, Cleveland, Arkon, Canton & Cuyahoga Valley National Park

  6. Watching your route, and there is a big loop, indirect to the west. It reminds me of a bicycle trip along the “Oxen Trail” north of Hamburg, Jutland. We don’t do the mileage that you do, but we certainly cheated on the route, cutting off a meander here and there, and jumping ahead. I don’t thing that we missed any scenery on our trip. Just an observation.

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