Rock Creek to Flint Creek

This morning, a different Jim, I’ll call him “generous Jim”, gave us some free fly fishing lessons, carrots, and some flies he found. He’s an artist that makes things from books.

Rock creek road was so peaceful and scenic that it made me tired until a pothole woke me up. We rode for approximately 25 miles on dirt on the banks before hitting the highway.

We rode up long 5 mile uphill but the lack of cars and strong tailwind made it bearable. We feasted on a downhill into Philipsburg, an old mining town, for dinner and a brew at the local micro brewery. We didn’t have enough energy to climb the next hill so we camped at Flint Creek instead.

It was 54 miles.

Generous Jim gives us free fishing lessons
Bob testing his new casting skills
Peaceful road next along Rock Creek
Roofless cabin for rent — ha ha!
Nice downhill into Philipsburg
Downtown Philipsburg at the brewery
High School mascot I think