Redwood to Driftwood

Wednesday we rode 86 miles from Myers Flat to the tiny town of Cleone which is just north of fort Bragg. We fueled up with Buckwheat pancakes at the Avenue cafe. The map profile showed an intimidating long hill up to Leggett but in reality it was a few medium size hills. The market at the top was closed so we continued just one more mile uphill to the only other market to enjoy a nice lunch. We then enjoyed a juicy downhill where the temperature dropped from 89 to 59 degrees in 3 miles. We finally reached the coast and rode on fumes the last 15 miles to the campground in Cleone.
Throughout the day we rode by several cheesy roadside distractions such as “confusion hill”, “drive thru a tree”, “Bigfoot” (carvings), “the one log house”, etc




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