Day 51: Dogs > crosswind

I.e. dogs are greater than crosswinds.

We rode in a cross wind most of the day which is certainly not as bad as a headwind. The tiny towns we rode by didn’t have any stores or restaurants so we kept pedaling. Up ahead in the distance in the middle of nowhere, there was a sign for a roadside picnic table. As we rode to it, a happy dog we called Bruce came out to greet us. We didn’t see the owner and he wasn’t barking. He was super friendly and cheered us up. We were worried that he would follow us so we left as quickly as we could and looked back to make sure he didn’t follow us back onto the highway.

We finally found some breakfast at the Sinclair gas station at mile 30. With 3 routes to choose from, we think we chose the best one – county road 1. We met a young couple riding cross country named Dillon and Allie. They’re riding from Oregon to Kennebunkport Maine. We traded tips and stories on places we have been.

Douglas, population ~6,000, is our destination and we arrived early enough to plan lodging, eat lunch, visit the cool Pioneer museum and I even got a nap in.

We chose Riverside Park which offers free camping. Susan stopped by to introduce herself. She is driving a van cross country and her husband is cycling it. She asked us if he could join us on tomorrow’s ride to Casper. Sure, why not!

While I was napping, Maria stopped by in her adventure van to say hi and we had a nice chat. She’s from Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. She gave us lots of tips, stories, a cold drink, avocados, and almonds. Thanis Maria.

We fell asleep when the sun did without worry of sprinklers. This park publishes which days they water. That’s considerate.

Smallest town I’ve seen
Dillon and Allie
Pioneer Museum
Tipi used in movie
Goofy taxidermy
Riverfront park

Summary: we rode 50 miles from Manville park to Douglas Riverfront park on highway 20 and county road 1.

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