We descended out of the Beartooth area stopping every mile to view the amazing waterfalls and mountains. Pilot peak was so pointed it made the Matterhorn look blunt. There was a little climbing and boy did my legs feel it from yesterday’s climbs. Brent and Bob watched the soccer and this gave me a good rest day so I walked around the small town of Cooke City.
We rode into Yellowstone and our camping choices were Pebble Creek at 10 miles and Tower falls at 32. We lucked out and Ray, the friendly host at Pebble, let us use the hiker biker spot. It was neglected since it didn’t have a fire ring or bear locker. He promised to scrounge and get help from his friends to add that some day soon.
The plan today is to go to tower-Roosevelt then to Canyon village to camp. See the spot locator to see if we made it. http://share.findmespot.com/shared/faces/viewspots.jsp?glId=0cIJX8KkXrcyEJ3YaaXscdp8p9RGZRKkL
We rode 37 miles.