Big day!

Oddly we had trouble finding a coffee shop open in Seattle at 6:30 so we got ours at the homeless McDonalds downtown. We rode on the waterfront of lake Washington and enjoyed a hearty breakfast at Tommy’s (not chili burgers). We became part of the small town parade in Renton which among wholesome floats included a cross-dressing clown (photo). Cedar Point trail was a real treat. We chose the tiny town of Black Diamond for lunch which was a coal town. Apparently it was a hangout for the Nash Metropolitan club. Bob found a Bott’s road for Steve. We continued on and cooled off for a relaxing swim in Deadman’s lake. We were bummed to find the campground was full. Luckily the friendly store owner let us camp on his lot. He even brought us a well enjoyed 6 pak. Thanks Jonathan and Hauna. It was a tiring but satisfying day of 89 miles. Today we ride to paradise mostly uphill 40 miles.

Steve finds a street with his name on it!

2 Replies to “Big day!”

  1. Mike
    It’s a small world—–the 1956 Nash Metropolitan in the lot at Black Diamond is the same model & colour [tourqoise] as “mum’s stepfather’s which he let me drive; I remember it used to break down & I had to crank it up to restart! Sounds like you’re having a fun trip; our best to Steve [hope he’s keeping you out of mischief] Love dad/mum

  2. We would let you camp in our backyard. Don’t know about the gophers though . . . It’s nice to be nice to the nice! And you all seem to always find the nice, including the cross dressing clown.

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