1,088 to Golden Gate (miles that is)

It was drizzly wet when we left Bodega Bay this morning. We rode highway 1 thru rolling hills of farm pastures. We ate homemade pastries at a small bakery in the tiny town of Tomales. Unbenounced to us this is also a popular hangout for a lot of Saturday morning cyclists. They suggested some minor improvements to our route which proved to be good indeed. We rode around the Nicasio Resivoir where we saw dozens of riders. Several rode with us for a few hundred feet and congratulated us on our last day. One couple escorted us to their favorite lunch spot (Iron Spring) in Fairfax. We got lost for a bit on the myriad of bike paths. We rode the the planned route of Sausilito and powered up these last hills. It was a rare sunny day on the bridge and in the city. We took a couple of photos on the bridge and rode along the waterfront and embarcadero to our final destination, the Amtrak station at the Ferry building where we will catch the bus back to Santa Barbara. This last day was 79 miles, most of it sunny and warm.

Above is Tomales, the view from the bakery where we ate and met several riders on their Saturday morning ride.

Above is Steve near Sausilito pointing to the sign for the Golden Gate Bridge.

Above: after crossing the Golden Gate Bridge

4 Replies to “1,088 to Golden Gate (miles that is)”

  1. Well, it’s just a good thing you provided photos, because most wouldn’t believe it. CONGRATS Mike and Steve. I see a butt jacuzzi in your future!

  2. Congratulations Dad! Awesome ride! Bet your ready for some serious rest but you’ll probably go play basketball tomorrow. HA HA. Have a good one!

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