Dennis, the waiter at Red’s restaurant entertained us with his stories and antics. He was born and raised in Albania – I’ve never known anyone from Albania. We didn’t get far before we met John outside the restaurant. He lived next door which used to be the police station. Thanks for the stories John; I hope you read this.
Both Dennis and John said Salem was a halloween town which makes sense. They’ve been calling themselves “Witch City” for more than a century. They take it seriously. Both claimed 2 million visitors last fall season.
We were amazed at some of the houses with plaques saying built 1630s and 1700s.
We zig zagged our way through some rich neighborhoods with huge mc-mansions and genuine old houses. We met a local, Todd, who rode with us for a mile.
Steve and I ate lunch at a roadside restaurant that sold Italian and Indian dishes. In the afternoon we rode into New Hampshire and settled into our camp near Hampton Beach.
Mileage log: 55 miles

Hey Mike! I just browsed your blog up to this point and I’m really quite jealous. Not only that you’re doing this ride, but that you CAN. It looks absolutely lovely. That 1723 house looks like it’s in better shape than mine! (I wouldn’t want to paint it though.) How’s the weather holding?
Did you guys see Northern Lights last night? I just read that they were visible in New Hampshire. Tonight (Tuesday) too perhaps.