Mary made us a hearty breakfast of eggs, bacon, and pancakes and sent us on our way. Thanks again Mary. We rode thru a few small towns and stopped at Landmark Bistro in Grundy Center for a tasty brisket sandwich.
I’m often surprised and impressed by some of the fancy city hall or courthouse buildings in these small towns. We think it was just more common in that era. We only made it 1 mile after lunch when we stopped at an ice cream shop to have a soft serve. I gotta do it; especially in this heat.
I lost count of all the wind turbines on both sides of highway 175. A park appeared in the middle of nowhere just as a nap attack happened and both of us solidly snoozed until Charlie on his Harley pulled in.
Randy, the camp host chatted with us and kidded with us about our guitar playing and singing. Our neighbors supplied us with a welcome beer and we relaxed as the campground filled up for this busy holiday weekend.

Summary: we rode 46 miles from Mary’s farm in Hudson to Pine Lake SP near Eldora on Pioneer trail, gravel farm roads, and highway 175.